Card Name
中文 溯影同生
Character Artem Wing
Rarity SSS
Chapter 挚爱篇
Level 100
Rank 5
Attribute INTUITION Intuition
Influence 3740
Defense 1603
Preemptive Strike Ⅲ Preemptive Strike Ⅲ
Deals 149.9% Influence DMG to a single argument.
Keen Observation Ⅲ Keen Observation Ⅲ
Boosts this card's base Influence by 125 for every INTUITION card in the Primary Deck
Foresight Ⅲ Foresight Ⅲ
Boosts the base Influence of all INTUITION cards in the Primary Deck by 125
Start Date End Date Server Acquisition Type Cards Reference
2023-07-20 2023-08-07 CN Shadow of Themis: Event Limited Pool 拾光凝意Peaceful PlacePerfect PartnerAlluring Gaze溯影同生Sunshine After the RainLoving MemoriesAtmospherics斯年以沫Food for ThoughtNear and FarMedieval Suspense浮愿相依Will of the TreesNarrow RoadEye of the Beholder weibo bilibili