Card Name
中文 拟心
English Imitation
한국인 가상 속 진심
Character Artem Wing
Rarity MR
Chapter 异世篇
Level 100
Rank 5
Attribute EMPATHY Empathy
Influence 2321
Defense 1160
Layer by Layer β Ⅱ Layer by Layer β Ⅱ
Boosts the Influence by 19.01% for 2 turn(s)
Emotional Projection Ⅱ Emotional Projection Ⅱ
Boosts this card's base Influence by 5.83% for every EMPATHY card in the Primary Deck
Absolute Rationality Ⅱ Absolute Rationality Ⅱ
Boosts the base Defense of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 108
Start Date End Date Server Acquisition Type Cards Reference
2023-04-07 2023-04-12 CN Other: Event Reward CompanionshipEntrusted FeelingsMoonlit PrisonerIntentionsUnwilling to PartImitationPromiseFocused GazeReturn to NightKeepsakePalpitationsSinful Lust weibo
2022-12-16 2022-12-21 CN Other: Event Reward Moonlit PrisonerImitationReturn to NightSinful Lust weibo
2022-10-24 2022-11-03 Global Other: Event Reward Moonlit PrisonerImitationReturn to NightSinful Lust twitter youtube
2021-10-22 2021-11-01 CN Other: Event Reward Moonlit PrisonerImitationReturn to NightSinful Lust weibo bilibili