Card Name
中文 绘恋春风
English Matching Tattoos
한국인 훈훈한 봄바람
Character Marius von Hagen
Rarity SSR
Chapter 旖慕篇
Level 100
Rank 5
Attribute LOGIC Logic
Influence 2968
Defense 1484
Feigning Defeat β Ⅲ Feigning Defeat β Ⅲ
Boosts the Defense by 59.97% for 2 turn(s)
Sharp One Ⅲ Sharp One Ⅲ
Boosts this card's base Influence by 135 for every Marius card in the Primary Deck
Business Negotiator Ⅲ Business Negotiator Ⅲ
Boosts the base influence of all Marius cards in the Primary Deck by 135
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