Card Name
中文 尘隐烟霞
English Enshrouded Sunglow
한국인 먼지 속 안개
Character Artem Wing
Rarity SSR
Chapter 异世篇
Level 100
Rank 5
Attribute EMPATHY Empathy
Influence 3057
Defense 1395
Preemptive Strike Ⅲ Preemptive Strike Ⅲ
Deals 149.9% Influence DMG to a single argument.
Versatile Lawyer Ⅲ Versatile Lawyer Ⅲ
Boosts this card's base Influence by 135 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck
Absolute Rationality Ⅲ Absolute Rationality Ⅲ
Boosts the base Defense of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 135
Start Date End Date Server Acquisition Type Cards Reference
2024-01-03 2024-01-21 Global Shadow of Themis: Event Limited Pool Sky AshesLukewarm FragrancePerfect PartnerAlluring GazeEnshrouded SunglowNew SkiesLoving MemoriesAtmosphericsImprints in OblivionAimed At Your HeartNear and FarMedieval SuspensePath of ThornsPrecious MorningsNarrow RoadEye of the Beholder twitter youtube
2024-01-03 2024-01-13 CN Shadow of Themis: Rerun Pool Sky AshesLukewarm FragrancePerfect PartnerAlluring GazeEnshrouded SunglowNew SkiesLoving MemoriesAtmosphericsImprints in OblivionAimed At Your HeartNear and FarMedieval SuspensePath of ThornsPrecious MorningsNarrow RoadEye of the Beholder weibo
2023-01-12 2023-01-30 CN Shadow of Themis: Event Limited Pool Sky AshesLukewarm FragrancePerfect PartnerAlluring GazeEnshrouded SunglowNew SkiesLoving MemoriesAtmosphericsImprints in OblivionAimed At Your HeartNear and FarMedieval SuspensePath of ThornsPrecious MorningsNarrow RoadEye of the Beholder weibo bilibili