Card Name
中文 会心一击
English Focus Fire
한국인 회심의 일격
Character Artem Wing
Rarity SR
Chapter 旖慕篇
Level 100
Rank 5
Attribute LOGIC Logic
Influence 2150
Defense 1174
Preemptive Strike Ⅱ Preemptive Strike Ⅱ
Deals 145% Influence DMG to a single argument.
Balanced Ⅱ Balanced Ⅱ
Boosts this card's base influence by 770 during debates
Skilled Diplomat Ⅱ Skilled Diplomat Ⅱ
Boosts the base Influence of all LOGIC cards in the Primary Deck by 100
Start Date End Date Server Acquisition Type Cards Reference
2021-07-30 N/A Global Shadow of Themis: Permanent Pool Perfect PartnerAlluring GazeMoment of DangerLoving MemoriesAtmosphericsFocus FireNear and FarMedieval SuspenseGentleman's GameNarrow RoadEye of the BeholderA Dance on the Clouds
2020-07-30 N/A CN Shadow of Themis: Permanent Pool Perfect PartnerAlluring GazeMoment of DangerLoving MemoriesAtmosphericsFocus FireNear and FarMedieval SuspenseGentleman's GameNarrow RoadEye of the BeholderA Dance on the Clouds